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Frank and John's Tough Mudder

Frank and John undertook a gruelling challenge at the weekend in the form of the 15km Tough Mudder North West. From the 'Cage Crawl' to the 'Funky Monkey', they tackled a daunting range of obstacles designed to test the limits of their endurance.

As John says, they spent the weekend 'getting frozen, electrocuted and half droont!'

They decided to take on this challenge in aid of the Fragile X Society, as John's son Rian has Fragile X, and have so far raised over £2140!

Take a look at some of the photos from the day, below. Thank you so much, Frank and John, for raising both funds and awareness for Fragile X!

The link to their JustGiving page is here, so please do support their efforts, if you are able to.


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