Over the past 7.5 years I have had the honour of being involved in the Fragile X Society: initially as a volunteer, then Director, then CEO (for the past 5.5 years). Working for the Fragile X Society has brought me me such great pride and joy, and the role has been so much more than just a job for me. All those who know me will know that the Society and the Fragile X community are such a big and important part of my life. I am grateful to have got to know and work with so many wonderful people and feel genuinely honoured to be involved in such a fantastic community. The staff team at the Society are just the most wonderful, hard-working people who have become dear friends as well as colleagues. In addition, I am always impressed by the work of our board who volunteer their time to govern and lead the charity, through thick and thin- often spurred by their personal links to Fragile X and wanting to make the world a better place for others in their situation. I have also had the pleasure of getting to meet and know so many families living with Fragile X. In addition, there are so many wonderful organisations that the Society works alongside, all who are so clearly dedicated to making the world a more inclusive and accessible place for all. What a wonderful community this is.
As many of you will know, I initially planned to move on from my current role at the Society last year, in order to relocate with my husband to South Africa: an opportunity which sadly fell through at late notice. Over recent months, it has been a pleasure to support the Society's search and transition to a new Managing Director. I am delighted that the Society has now found such a fantastic successor in Pete Richardson: it is already clear that the skills and experience he brings are going to be such a key asset to the charity and Fragile X Community. Now, my final day as CEO of the Society will be Wednesday 22nd July.
However, this is not quite goodbye! I am honoured to be remaining involved in a voluntary capacity moving forwards, as a Specialist Advisor to the Society, with particular focus on supporting research. As I pursue a career closer to my home in Wales, I will continue to raise awareness about all Fragile X-Associated conditions, as well as to fight for a fairer society more broadly.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for the most wonderful experience of working at the Society. Here’s to the future of this fantastic charity and community.