A video request from Olivia Hird, Documentary Filmmaker for Nip in the Bud, which may be of interest to some of our Dads/male carers.
Olivia explains: "I'm currently making a film for charity, Nip in the Bud. The film is about dads/male guardians sharing their experiences of raising a child with mental health and/or learning and/or behavioural challenges. We feel this is an underrepresented area and would love this film to provide solace for dads in similar situations."

I'd be very grateful if you could share this project with dads who may consider participating.
During this isolated time, we're asking dads to record themselves on their phones in landscape (not portrait) and answer the following questions: 1. What’s your name? 2. How old is your child? 3. How would you define their diagnosis? 4. Describe the journey to getting diagnosed. 5. What does a good day look like? 6. What does a bad day look like? 7. What is the main thing you would like to share with others about the experience of caring for your child? 8. What are your hopes for your child going forward?
We then ask that contributors send their video to me and I will send a release form.
Thanks ever so much for considering the project. Your help would be most appreciated! If you have any questions, please contact me by email or by phone on 07837579732. The deadline for submission of contributions is 30 April 2021."
You can find out more about Nip in The Bud here:
Please apply direct to the organisation (details above) if you are interested in taking part. However, you should note that this is an organisation that the Fragile X Society has not worked with before, so we are not able to endorse them or recommend their work.