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Kunal Keeping Busy

Updated: Nov 24, 2021

Kunal’s story which was written before the current lockdown

Kunal would like to share with you all what has been happening in his life over the last few weeks. Jane asked him some questions and here are his answers.

Kunal has been attending Artability but they are working in the “cabin” at the moment doing arts and crafts. They cannot move around as much because of Covid restrictions.

Kunal keeps himself busy at home. He helps out by doing the hoovering and making cups of Indian tea. He also makes his bed. Kunal enjoys cooking and his favourite meal to cook is Bombay potatoes.

Kunal has an advocate who has been meeting with him on Zoom. They have been working on a project called “Keeping safe in the Community”. Kate has helped Kunal to write the following article about this project.

“The BATIAS Keeping Safe in the community programme supports people who have a disability to learn how to keep safe. BATIAS facilitates Zoom meetings once a week and the members of the group talk about keeping Safe. Kunal talked about the burglary and how to prevent it, we watched a video and Kunal asked lots of questions to help others learn how to be safe. He also talked about knives and what to do with them when we no longer need them, Kunal told everyone to take them to the special bin outside the police station. Kunal has also made some friends at the Zoom meetings. This makes him feel good and happy when he has friends. He has learned some confidence among his peers: when at first Kunal was very shy, now he is happy to host a meeting and he has learned how to host a zoom meeting with his family. As part of the programme, he found a PA called Sophie, who supports him to be safe in the community and is there for a chat when Kunal needs one.”

Thank you, Kunal, for sharing your story! If you have any stories or pictures you'd like to share, we'd love to see them! Please send them to


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