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Updated: Dec 2, 2021

As Easter approaches, there are plenty of reasons to be cheerful. The vaccination programme seems to be working, the sun is shining (well sort of…) and the time when you will be able to meet friends and family is nearing. There is now some light at the end of the tunnel. Yes, there remains an element of uncertainty regarding the lifting of government restrictions, but there appears to be a growing sense that smaller-scale events could be taking place as early as July, and a return to larger-scale events as early as September/October. With this thought in mind, I’d like to restart our fundraising initiatives with a special edition newsletter just before Easter. Please can you send us any information and photographs you’d like us to use to highlight the success of the events that you’ve supported during lockdown? Also, if you are planning an event let us know and we will publicise it for you and give you our support. I’ll be doing my own “Fighting for Fragile X”!! fundraiser for the society. Make sure though if you are planning an event to follow the most up to date guidelines!

Pete Richardson

Managing Director


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