Isabella Spotswood
“I love my child more than I love myself”.
Isabella first contacted us in 2015 when her 5 year old son, Christian, was diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome.
“The most challenging aspect of not knowing what condition Christian had was that we did not know how to behave when he misbehaved. We did not know what to do or why he had challenging behaviour or learning delays”.
Since reaching out to the Fragile X Society Isabella feels more aware of Christian’s difficulties, and what the future might hold for her family. Through the information and support we have provided, she feels she has learnt a lot about the condition, and in turn has been equipped with the tools to better cater for Christian’s needs.
“I will always remember when I called the Society helpline for the first time having just received the diagnosis. I felt desperate, but speaking with the helper on the phone was really reassuring”.
“I cannot deny that having a child with a disability is difficult and, at times, heart-breaking. That said, I think Christian is a wonderful person who fills my life with love and joy. I would say to others in my position: I know it’s hard, but if you get in touch with the Society things will become easier. It will help you to understand that your child is wonderful just the way he or she is”.