Online Training Course for Professionals
Our online training course is an essential tool for professionals in the field of learning disabilities. Despite low awareness of Fragile X Syndrome, the genetic condition is the most inherited cause of learning disability and affects 1 in 4000 males and 1 in 6000 females.
The training course aims to enable professionals to recognise the characteristics of Fragile X and identify ways to support those affected. The course includes real-life examples, case studies and involves interactive content.
Development of the training course was made possible through a partnership with Cornerstone and a grant from the Scottish Government Autism Development Fund. Thank you to Sandra Thoms for her input and expertise in developing this course.

What Does the Training Course Cover?
The images on the right show some example content from the course which covers a variety of topics including:
Genetics of Fragile X
Physical features
Learning styles
Sensory issues
Strategies for supporting individuals
Educational strategies
Strategies for managing behaviour

You can buy a license to access the training course in our shop or contact us to find out more.