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Fragile X Research Workshop

A collaboration beween the Fragile X
Society & The Patrick Wild Centre

21nd May 2018, University of Edinburgh




After the success of the first Fragile X Research Workshop at the University of Oxford in 2017, we are delighted to be running this event for a second year. The aim of these workshops is to bring together the research community who are either currently involved in, or who are interested in, Fragile X Syndrome research. We are keen to promote further interactions amongst UK-based (and EU-based) researchers who investigate the condition, with a view to supporting the development of a network of researchers and to investigate opportunities for future collaborations such as: joint projects, data sharing, protocol sharing and harmonisation of measures. The aim is that together we can further develop work addressing key issues of concern to those individuals and families living with fragile X.


In order to help acheive our aims, the workshop will involve a number of different elements, including: keynote talks; flash talks and posters to give overviews of current UK research into Fragile X Syndrome; discussion sessions. This year's workshop is a collaboration between the Fragile X Society and the Patrick Wild Centre at the University of Edinburgh.

We are delighted to be welcoming Professor Jeremy Turk as one of the keynote speakers at this year's event, who will be reflecting on developments in our understanding of Fragile X during his career, and some of the key questions still to be addressed. In addition, we will be welcoming two further keynotes, which will be announced shortly.


Talks and Posters

  • To be considered to present a talk or a workshop, please submit an abstract (250 word limit) via Eventbrite (click "register" below) for consideration.

  • Abstract deadline: Friday 19th January 2018

  • Notification of allocation of talks/ posters: by February 16th 2018


Event Registration

Tickets for this event can be booked via this page

  • Individuals with Fragile X or family members: Free

  • Early Career Researchers (PhD, Master's or Batchelor's Student): £15

  • Researchers/ Clinicians/ Other: £40


There will also be an optional networking dinner at an additional cost which we very much hope attendees will be able to join us for. Details to be announced.

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